Heath Ledger was, up until now, a fairly unknown Australian actor. Heath's first real hit was in the recent "10 Things I Hate About You." He now, however, is far better known for his beautifully played role in "The Patriot," with Mel Gibson. Although Heath lacks his sexy accent, he does a marvelous job and still looks great.

I now know that I am not the first Heath fan site out there. However, I hope to be able to offer some good information that will be useful to all of my fellow Heath fans :) I will be updating this site a great deal more in the very near future.
Currently, the main information that I have is as follows:

~His birthday is April 4, 1979

~He was in several movies in his native country of Australia before he came to the U.S.

~The only things that I have found Heath to have been a part of at this point include the short-lived TV series "Roar," then the TV-drama "Sweat," which also was canceled after a short while.

Since I have very little free time (I'm amazed I actually am updating this now), I decided to post the following links so people can get some real information :) Now that Heath has gained some popularity from "The Patriot," I have noticed that many new sites have been popping up. Almost any web search will bring up much better sites that are updated far more frequently. I hope you enjoy these sites.



A new development:
A few of us Heath fans have begun a crusade to get Roar played on TV. If you're interested in helping with this, send letters to the following addresses, begging them (politely, of course) to run the show:

Programming Dept.
The Sci-Fi Channel
USA Networks
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

Programming Dept.
USA Networks
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

Programming Dept.
Turner Networks
1010 Techwood Dr.
NW Atlanta GA 30318

Programming Dept.
FX Networks, LLC
1440 South Sepulveda Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90025

If you have any questions or any more information for me, please feel free to e-mail me at iluv3eb@gisco.net
Hope you enjoy the page!